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Greetings, I am an empathetic woman born in the United States who has a fondness for fantasy universes, mountains, video games, books, ranting, and quotes of most mediums.


I am a woman bent on seeking the truth, on not being satisfied with simply going through the motions. Though art is seen here I feel it is just one outlet of my entire identity and personality. It is a visual way of expression philosophies, loves, passions, and personal reflections of life and art.


I graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University with a Bachelors degree in English (Literature) and a minor in Fine Arts (drawing/illustration as my specialty).

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Feel free to reach me via my other social media sites notes, PMs, and comment sections. Please allow me up to 48hrs to reply regarding any comments, questions, or quieries relating to business, curiousity, or personal matters. Feel free to also write a short message below for your convienience: it will send directly to my email.


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